
About Us

Credit Standing

hermesbagsreplica.com specializes in top quality replica handbags and small leather goods made of genuine leather as the professional online store. We offer multiple brands new, first-class copy luxury handbags and trying to give you a full range of designer handbags on our website. Our process is designed to ensure that our high-quality replica handbags are impeccable. We purchase – at great expense – authentic luxury purses from all of the major name-brand boutiques where they’re sold. We then work with our designers to completely analyze those bags, carefully identifying the leather, metals and other materials used in their construction. We use 3D modeling to create graphic renderings and prototypes for each model, paying careful attention to every stitch, detail, feature and logo placement.

From there, we source the finest materials available to replicate the brand-name product and produce a number of iterations of the lookalike product.

Super Quality Handbags

At first, we operated like most knockoff companies. We purchased the best lookalike bags from Chinese suppliers that we could find, and had them drop-shipped to customers. Most of those clients were satisfied with our reasonable prices and impeccable customer service. But that wasn’t good enough for us.

Since we’d studied so many bags and wallets, we knew that what we were selling could pass for the “real thing” in social settings or on the street. Unfortunately, we also knew that when examined closely by discriminating customers who’d owned prestigious luxury designer products, our products would stand out as fake copies.

We realized that we had to go further.

Operation Principle

We use top-grade leather (or other fabrics that exactly match the original) that’s been ethically sourced, and use the finest lambskin (or similar materials) for linings.

We only use high-grade metals that match the metals used to create the brand-name purse and even match the thread used for stitching as closely as possible.

We have a “final quality-control” inspection for every single bag before it’s released for sale. If there’s a single glitch or blemish, we don’t just reject that one handbag; we go back through the entire design and manufacturing process to find out why the problem occurred and ensure that it doesn’t happen again.

hermesbagsreplica.com is also committed to second-to-none customer service, which begins with full transparency and doesn’t end when a replica product is ordered.

Good Service

Every client receives quality-control photos of the product they ordered before it’s packed for shipping – and we won’t ship until first receiving customer approval.

We offer worldwide guaranteed shipping and will replace any bag that’s lost in transit or seized by customs, free of charge.

Our customer service representatives are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with multiple ways to contact us for immediate satisfaction.

So browse through our products now and shop with confidence!
